How to Book a Telehealth Appointment

To book a telehealth (over the phone) appointment, simply pick your appointment type and length from the options below and then choose your doctor and time of appointment. Once you have booked your appointment you can leave the rest to us, the doctor will call you on the number you provided at the time of your appointment.

Follow up consultations can be booked with our wonderful team of Doctors. We ask that you book with the same Doctor each time unless you are wanting to change your Doctor for ongoing appointments. Please try to book your follow up appointments as early as possible to avoid any unforeseen delays.

PayPal Issue?

If you are experiencing issues using PayPal when booking in, please contact us on 08 9560 5420 and we can assist you.
We are working on fixing this issue and apologise for any inconvenience.

Can't find an appointment time that works for you?
Please reach out to our friendly team, and we can assist you further.

P: (08) 9560 5420

If you don’t have PayPal don’t worry, there will be an option to pay with credit or debit card on the PayPal log in page. Click the option to pay with card, continue as a guest and be sure to unclick the make a PayPal account option.

If nothing happens when you click Pay Now, please check that you have fully completed the Patient Form. If you are having any issues with this form or payment please don’t hesitate to get in touch through the contact form below.

Contact us.